Juniors Plan their Futures
Colleges come to Howell

Multiple colleges came to talk with junior students during their english classes on Sept. 27.
The colleges included: Mizzou, Ranken Technical College, Southeast Missouri State, St. Louis Community College, and Washington University. Along with the colleges, representatives from the local army recruiters were at the meeting answering questions.
Each representative talked about what their college has to offer, then gave students booklets and handouts with more information, while answering any questions students had.
Sept. 28, junior students will be looking into what they plan on studying, along with specific colleges in various computer labs during their english hour. There will also be a College Career and Financial Aid night available for students and their parents from 6:30-7:30 in the auditorium Sept. 29.
For more information on college visits, or anything college related, visit your guidance counselor.