Adeline Ferreira

While spending three weeks in Romania with friends, touring local villages, and having the opportunity to meet the native people may sound like components of a delightful vacation, for junior Adeline Ferreira, this trip was anything but relaxing. This near month-long journey was one of the several mission trips Ferreira has actively participated in within the last three years.

“While in Romania, I spent those weeks making and handing out sandwiches to the villagers and passing out shirts and other clothing items,” Ferreira said. “There was one night where we were all able to sit down with the Romanian kids and have a conversation and get to know one each other. We’re truly there to better the lives of those in these places, and sometimes sitting down and just talking is so much of a help.”

Mission trips, or short-term trips for Christian missionaries to assist those in need while spreading the word of God, allow her to fulfill her desire to give back to those in need, a personal choice she has made the decision to act upon.

“I believe that I should be doing this; I want to be able to spread God’s word and help those that aren’t as blessed as I am, and these trips give me the opportunity to do so,” Ferreira said.

While Ferreira attended these mission trips as a way to give back and help others, these trips have, in turn, benefit her as well.

“Going to Romania for my first time was a big mind-opener. Seeing people with no food, no clothes, practically nothing at all, and then seeing them smile after being given something as small as single sandwich really makes you grateful for what you have,” Ferreira said. “My perspective on life and the entire world has changed so greatly. I’ve met people on the streets of these small towns who have been oppressed a lot by their church, which is typically something you do not see or hear of in America, making me feel lucky to see, truly, how free America is and how blessed we are.”