❗This story shall be revised as updates are received from the Francis Howell School District.
CHARLES, MO.- The Francis Howell School District announced four Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI) days on Monday, Jan. 6, Tuesday, Jan. 7, Wednesday, Jan. 8 and Thursday, Jan. 9 due to icy road conditions from an extreme snowfall. The AMI days extended Winter Break, which began on Monday, Dec. 23.
“I really enjoyed sleeping in until 12 for three extra days,” junior Adelaide Minton said.
Students were originally scheduled to return from break on Monday, Jan. 6, and high school students would have begun final exams on Wednesday, Jan. 8. However, as poor weather conditions persist to impact those in the district, final exams have been cancelled. Students who wish to achieve a higher grade in a course may take the final exam through their school’s makeup session.
“It’s a bit inconvenient to have [AMI days] right before finals,” junior Lydia Alred said, “I wanted more time in class to study, but it’s been good to have an extended break.”
AMI days differ from traditional snow days, where students are not required to complete classwork that they have missed due to the cancellations. Rather, teachers will assign classwork the student must complete to be used for measures of attendance and possibly credit in the course, allowing AMI days to count as regular school days.
“Having AMI assignments gives a quick and easy way to continue learning while still at home, though with the snow, it feels like they cut into an extended break,” freshman Grayson O’Donnell said. “My AMI assignments are very doable and don’t take an hour like a usual class period does. Most of my classes gave me a packet earlier [in the year] that I can do.”