Sophia Rizzo
On her freshman transition day, Sophia Rizzo, now a junior, wrote her name down on the drama club’s sign up sheet.
“My freshman year I was in charge of costumes for the fall play, Our Town,” Rizzo said. “For the spring play, The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, I switched to hair and makeup.”
Rizzo has done hair for the all of the school plays since then.
“My favorite play I’ve worked on was The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee,” Rizzo said.
Behind the scenes, Rizzo focuses more on the hairstyles of the performers than the makeup.
“I do more with hair than makeup. I come up with hairstyles for the actors to better fit their personalities and the time period of the play,” Rizzo said.
This year, Rizzo is one of the crew heads of hair and makeup.
“I’m kind of an assistant and more in charge of hair” Rizzo said. “I don’t think I would do hair as a career, but I will definitely continue doing it for the rest of my time in highschool.

Hi! I've was on the yearbook staff last year and have returned this year as the Academics and Club Editor. I have two dogs, my favorite food is fettuccine...