Homecoming Court Voting

Online voting causes errors in minutes

Sept 15, STUCO launched a tech savvy way for Homecoming Court voting. It opened at 7:15 am and in minutes errors occurred. Around 9:00 am Dean of Student, Jessie Altman released an email to the Howell staff addressing the issues, and opening new polls for each individual grade level.

“For the ones who already voted during their first hour must vote again, to make sure votes were not counted twice,” Altman said. “This will make the polls more accurate.”

The polls will be open until 9 pm tonight- Sept. 15.

Use the link corresponding to your grade level. For the blank slots, enter your student ID in both places.

Freshman http://j.mp/2cavk9e
Sophomore http://j.mp/2ccyH4s
Junior http://j.mp/2caytWV
Senior http://j.mp/2ccBrPe