Gabarini finishes second at GAC dive
Sophomore Larissa Garbarini finishes second at the GAC dive meet. In her second season of diving, this is her highest finish at a GAC meet. Swimming every weekday from 8 to 10 p.m., the team has been preparing all season for the Jan. 29 meet.
“I was really happy after I found out I placed second. I didn’t think I would do that good because I didn’t know some of the dives,” Garbarini said.
The top divers in the conference met at the Rec-Plex for the four-hour meet.
“I felt a little pressure knowing that some top divers would be there because I knew I wouldn’t place first, but I knew I had to try. After diving, I knew I did good based on most of my dives because I got nines and I have never gotten those before,” Garbarini said.

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