Students Review New Take On Howell Time

A month into the new Howell Time, administrators listened to feedback and made changes. The administration’s main goal was to get students to become more connected with each other, and the first Howell Time saw a small group discussion on qualities students like in friends. Another activity saw leaders help students work together to come up with a logo that represented the school.

“I definitely think it’s good for Howell. I think before we weren’t really doing anything to get underclassmen and upperclassmen to talk to each other,” junior Wyatt Daly said.

Daly volunteers as a leader. Before the day each Howell time, he learns the activity.

“We discussed what the next homeroom would look like, which means going over the script that we are given and what activity we are doing. A few leaders were chosen to demonstrate and it looks like it will be an interesting, fun homeroom,” Daly said. 

One complaint is that the activities detract from homework time. 

“Since I play volleyball, I don’t have as much time to do homework at night and so last year when I had Howell time, it helped a lot for me to get actually done,” junior Bree Zimmerman said. 

Senior Ashley Shank did the training for dignity leadership but chose not to become a leader. 

“People don’t want to confess their feelings to a group of 30 strangers,” Shank said. “Who could be four years younger, four years older than you.”