Joey Montgomery
Drama club recently had an award ceremony for the newly inducted thespians. This is no easy task and is a honor.
“To be inducted you have to have completed, at least, 100 hours of drama related activities,” senior Joey Montgomery said.
Being inducted into the Thespian Society is something that takes some theater kids a couple of years to do; however, Montgomery gained the title in one.
“It really is an honor for me to be inducted because it shows all my hard work. I practiced and memorized my lines after school. Sometimes, I even stayed after rehearsal to keep working on things,” Montgomery said.
Acting is a fun hobby to Montgomery and he puts his best into every show.
“My favorite show was The Crucible because it was my first show that I ever acted in and it helped me realized how much I loved acting,” Montgomery said.
All of Montgomery’s hard work and determination throughout the year paid off.

I am one of the yearbook photographers. I am a senior and joined yearbook for my love of photography.