Equalize Sports Budgets
Sports can be enjoyable and exciting for students to participate in. However there is not enough money in some sports budget to do so or even have the correct equipment.
At Howell, games are a crowd-pleasing and an enjoyable social event to attend. However this only pertains to a select couple sports, including football and basketball.
One cause of this may be the different size budgets for each sports. The funding for sports vary year to year. The budget includes what the school provides, the amount of money the sports request, fundraisers, and booster clubs. Each sport can request a certain amount of money that is necessary for the sport and that is the amount of money the school will provide for them.
An equal budget for all sports will provide more interest in certain sports, necessary equipment, and increased school spirit. With the correct essential equipment all sports will be noticed more and can have more students involved in them.
The amount of students who attend football and basketball games is astounding. But not many students attend other sports activities like lacrosse, golf, or even baseball. An equal budget for all sports could change this issue. An equal budget could provide more advertisement of games and activities for unpopular sports. This would increase school spirit throughout all seasons of sports.