New Years Resolutions
Every year, millions of people around the globe watch the clock tick down to the new year. With the new year comes resolutions.
“I think New Year’s resolutions are a good way to help motivate people to accomplish something good,” junior Luke Blondin said.
“Setting a resolution can help someone focus on a certain goal they have been wanting to do for awhile,” junior Porter Zitting said.
Not everyone agrees on the necessity of a New Year’s resolutions.
“Trying to be better is always good but I don’t think it needs the title of a New Year’s resolution,” senior Emma Just said.
According to the Marist Institute of Public Opinion, 40 percent of Americans make resolutions each year.
“I didn’t make one this year because I knew I wouldn’t do it,” senior Ryan Woodson said.
Some of those who didn’t make a resolution last year have plans to change that in 2019.
“I want to work harder in school next year,” Biever said.
“I need to start working out more,” Woodson said.
When people make resolutions, improving health and weight are some of the most common goals. According to Statista, 45 percent of resolutions made for 2018 were to lose weight or get in shape.
“I want to put on some weight for baseball next year,” Blondin said.
“I want to eat healthier next year because I eat too much junk food,” sophomore Maggie May said.
Others have different ideas for 2019.
“I’ve made resolutions about eating healthy and working out more in the past, but I was never in the right mindset,” business teacher Erika Halloran said. “I think that it’s important for the resolution not to be forced. You have to want to do it. Next year I want to focus on not sweating the small stuff and spending more time with my family. The basket of laundry I need to fold can wait, my kids shouldn’t have to.”
“I need to focus more on my needs emotionally. I need to find a balance between my needs and the needs of others,” senior Kennidy Shirey said.
According to U.S. News, around 80 percent of resolutions fail by the second week of February.
“I think I’ll succeed next year because it’s the summer before I’ll be going to college. I’ll be more motivated,” Woodson said.
“I think I’ll be able to do it,” Blondin said. “I’ve already started working and I think it will continue into the next year.”