Winter Break Traditions
Winter break means family traditions.
“Me and my family go up to Kansas City every Christmas to visit my grandparents. While we’re there we eat a huge meal and open presents,” senior Devin Griffith said.
“I just spend Christmas at home with my parents, we just hangout, eat dinner, and open presents together,” senior Gunnar Mohrmann said.
”Me and my family dont go to church that often but the one time we do is on Christmas, we go to midnight mass every year,” senior Jared Cessac said. Some students have other traditions outside of christmas.
“Me and my sister make a snowman if its snowing and we also have a movie marathon,” senior Sarah Stith said. Most students like Winter break most say it’s their favorite or second favorite break. Some of the reasons the students like the break is because of the weather, holidays, and extended time off. Most students hope for snowy cold weather, especially on Christmas. The only thing students said they would change is the length of the break. Another big part of Winter break is New Year’s Eve.
“My plans for New Years eve are to hangout with my friends or go to a party if someone has one,” senior Chase Campbell said.
“I just hangout with my friends everyday. There really isn’t much to do since it’s so cold we mostly just stay inside,” freshman Carissa Campbell said. Lots of Winter sports are still going on over break.
“I have basketball practice over break,” junior Brayden Brown said.
“I have to do track during the break,” Sith said. Students do exciting things over break here are some.
“I got to go to Disneyland to play a basketball over winter break a few years ago,” Brown said.
“A couple years ago I was at my friends house and we snuck out at 2am and played football in shorts and t-shirts when the temperature was below zero,” Griffith said.