Adam Nolle

A two year member of the Robotics Club, sophomore Adam Nolle is the leader of the media team, a team they haven’t had for the club in years. His job involves taking pictures of projects and helping out where needed.

“It’s so unique because it doesn’t just focus on one thing,” Nolle said. “Robotics is so much more than what the name gives it credit for.”

Nolle’s interest in Robotics Club was sparked when he first joined the club in middle school.

“I learned a lot in Robotics Club during middle school, so I knew I wanted to continue learning about it in high school,” Nolle said.

Nolle was on the coding team last year, where he built a team index of all the teams in First Robotics Competition (FRC).

“I hope to go into some engineering field in college, and if I don’t do that right away, I definitely want to go straight into some type of computer science field,” Nolle said. “Robotics might come in later in my college career.”