New finals schedule

Snow day Dec. 19, alters testing

Due to the snow day, Dec. 19, there will be a change in the finals schedule. Since there was no scheduled snow make up day for, Thursday Dec. 22, the make up day will be May 18. As for next two days will continue as planned, late starts beginning at 8:15 a.m, and early release at 11:25 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 20 the schedule will be the finals of first and second hour. Wednesday, Dec. 21 will have the finals of fourth and fifth hour. Winter break will begin Dec. 21, at 11:25 a.m. Following winter break will be the finals of third, sixth, and seventh hour. Review sessions of the classes will take place before the finals Jan. 6, which will be a full day for finals third and seventh hour. Another full day will happen Friday, Jan. 6 for the sixth hour final.

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