Study Hall offered after school
The library adjusts its hours for academic study hall
The library no longer closes at 2:30 p.m., but instead is now open from 2:30-5:15 p.m. for after school, drop-in study hall.
Three teachers staff the event, but students should be aware that the rotation varies, so certain teachers may not be present on a particular night.
“I’ve seen kids utilize the computers and databases,” English teacher Mike Storm said. “Most kids use their time to do homework before practice, so they don’t have to do it at home. The greatest thing I’ve seen is students working in groups doing research and projects.”
After school study hall allows students to work in a quiet and comfortable environment. Depending on the number of attendees, one-on-one tutoring may be possible. The freshman girls volleyball team uses the library every day before 4 p.m.
“Instead of going home, we’re all together,” freshman Amber Connell said. “There’s people you have classes with that can help you, and there’s not as many distractions.”
The schedule of teachers is as follows: Monday, Jamie Ellison, Mike Storm, and Jennie Guttman; Tuesday, Lisa Stroh, Kevin Stroh, and Sam Sotheran; Wednesday, Christa Martell, Pris Reed, and Shirley Wight-Burnette; Thursday, Kelley Struckhoff, and Sam Berendzen, and Ken Benson; Friday, Holly Carmi, Berendzen, and Ellison.
“I don’t know what strategies have been taken in the past, but what we’re doing here is an entirely good thing,” Storm said. “I encourage more kids to use it.”