Homecoming Week Themes

Begin the excitement for Homecoming, participating in Spirit Week

Monday, Sept. 19: ‘Merica Monday— Everything red, white, and blue! Show your love for our country and come to school looking as patriotic as possible.

Tuesday, Sept. 20: Tropical Tuesday— Anything beach related (and school appropriate) is encouraged for this day! Accessories from grass skirts to goggles will work.

Wednesday, Sept 21: All We Do is “Winsday”– All Powderpuff players should wear their jerseys (the game will be that night anyways) and everyone else can wear a jersey to represent their favorite team.

Thursday, Sept 22: Awkward Family Photo— Each grade level will have their own theme for this particular day and they will be as follows:

  • Freshmen: Babies (Ex: bibs, pacifiers, onesies)
  • Sophomores: Middle Schoolers (Ex: Aeropostale, Bermuda shorts, high tops)
  • Juniors: Parents (Ex: polos, fanny packs, fake facial hair)
  • Seniors: Grandparents (Ex: canes/walkers, gray hair, wrinkles)


Friday, Sept 23: Blue & Gold Day— This isn’t a new one–wear your homecoming shirt and/or as much blue and gold as you can. Represent Francis Howell!