Gallery: Signing Day

Feb. 3, at signing day at Howell’s main gym, Jake Kostyshock shows his joy as he signs a letter of intent to the University of Arkansas to play baseball. “Both of my parents went there, and I knew I wanted to go there, but only if I was going to be able to play baseball.”Kostyshock said.

 Feb. 3, 2016 An excited Matt McClellan senior gets interviewed about his signing with Murray State in the Francis Howell high school main gym, to play football "I'm just so happy that I get to play the sport I love, and get to hang out with my close friends: The Perkins twins, and Brayden." McClellan said.
Feb. 3, 2016 An excited Matt McClellan senior gets interviewed about his signing with Murray State in the Francis Howell high school main gym, to play football “I’m just so happy that I get to play the sport I love, and get to hang out with my close friends: The Perkins twins, and Brayden.” McClellan said.


At signing day, Feb. 3, Kristen Landon Shows her gratitude as she signs a letter of intent to play softball at Concordia University "I thought about life with out Softball and Lexi Farron and I hated it." Landon said.
At signing day, Feb. 3, Kristen Landon Shows her gratitude as she signs a letter of intent to play softball at Concordia University Chicago “I thought about life with out Softball and Lexi Farron and I hated it.” Landon said.