Q: Girls cross country recently won GACs. What was your time? How did it compare to previous matches?
A: My time was 19:18 and it was a little slower than previous races. During GACs, my only strategy was to focus on winning.
Q: What did it feel like when you found out your team won GACs?
A: Last year our team lost by only one point. Winning this time, was a huge accomplishment. It felt amazing to come out on top this year and I was so proud of all of my teammates.
Q: How did you mentally and physically prepare for the meet?
A: I get really nervous before races and, if I don’t relax, it can negatively effect my races. In order to calm down, I will sit at the tent, play a game, or talk to my team to get my mind off the race. Additionally, I have to be early to the start line, and my spikes already on, in order to get myself ready.
Q: What goes through your mind when competing?
A: Mostly, I think about when I should start sprinting. I do a lot of math and think about pacing, miles left, and places. Sometimes I also think about how much I just want to be finished with the race.
Q: Overall, how was the season?
A: The season has been pretty good. I have been trying my best to break 18 minutes and I hope to accomplish this before the season is over.
writer: Lilly Socha