The Students News Site of Francis Howell High School

FHHS Today

The Students News Site of Francis Howell High School

FHHS Today

The Students News Site of Francis Howell High School

FHHS Today

Q&A with linebacker junior Cole Libbert

Reporter Quentin White sat down with junior Cole Libbert to discuss his thoughts on being a back-up, 2nd string linebacker not for his own lack of talent, but rather the excess of talent from the 1st string.

Q: On the depth chart, you are behind four of the best linebackers in the area, maybe even the state, how do you feel about that? What are your thoughts?

A: It’s awesome to play with some of the best linebackers in the state. They have taught me a lot about my position and helped me with any troubles I have. They set high standards and there’ll be some big shoes to fill.


Q: Do you feel like you have the ability to play on Friday nights if it wasn’t for the high level of talent that was in front of you?

A: Definitely. If it wasn’t for the insanely high ability that those guys have all of the 2nd string guys would be playing, not just me. I feel like every one of us has the ability to start.


Q: You played in the first JV game a couple weeks ago, correct?

A: Yeah, I dropped down and started on JV.


Q: How do you feel about that? Do you view that opportunity in a positive manner or not so much?

A: Again a definite yes. I think that all 2nd String varsity players should take the opportunity to play JV. I think it prepares us more for next year. More reps we get on the field the better.


Q: Last question, how do you define your success in the football program? In other words, where do you feel you contribute most to the team as a whole? Why?

A: I feel like I contribute most when I play against the 1st string guys to make them better in practice. I also contribute when the 2nd string guys get the opportunity to go out into the games in the second half and play our hardest like the one’s did.

writer: Quentin White