After three official albums, Swift has begun to change her songs. They seem to have more of a mature feel now that she has grown older. Not all of her songs are about her jerk ex boyfriend and how she is not going to get over it. However some songs follow her known pattern of breakups, makeups, and love, but in a new, more mature way that Swift hasn’t portrayed in the past.
Although similar to her previous albums, hit-song “We Are Never Getting Back Together” without a doubt the most popular song on the album, adds a fun and light hearted flair to her album. “22” is also one of the more upbeat songs in the album, but is the only one that isn’t about a boyfriend.
Multiple songs in the album resemble other popular artists. In songs “State of Grace” Swift sounds a lot like famous singer Katy Perry, and “Starlight” sounds more ‘poppy’ than Swift’s original country flair. Swift also features famous British singer/songwriter, Ed Sheeran in “Everything Has Changed,” which sounds more like Sheeran’s style music rather than hers.
Swift has changed for the better and after listening to the album, it’s no doubt that most teenage girls can relate.
Almost every song still tells a story about her ex’s but they are far more revealing and meaningful like they weren’t just written for hits. Intentional or not, this album is sure to be a hit and join many people’s iTunes playlists.