Hungry for something delicious? Still need sandwiches for the football game? You know you want to put your feet up and relax after shopping on Black Friday.Order up a Super Smokers Smoked Pork Shoulders and get ready to enjoy savory, pulled pork sandwiches. The 2015 Parent Club will be taking orders at the Holiday Boutique this Saturday.Or download our Pork Order Form and mail your order in today.Delivery is just in time for the Thanksgiving Holiday Break. Pre-order your slow-smoked pork shoulder and be ready for tasty eating over the holiday break. Questions contact: [email protected]
Attention wrestlers- all athletes and parents- There is a mandatory meeting, Thursday Oct. 27th, at 6pm in the commons area, all paperwork will be given out and collected at that time.
Post-Secondary Transitions for Special Education Students FHSD Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) will share information on post-secondary education, career preparation, employment, and leisure opportunities for students with disabilities on Wednesday, October 26, 2011 from 7:00 – 8:30 PM. This meeting will also include information on accessing adult service agencies and a question answer session. The meeting will be in the Board Room of the Administration building, located at 4545 Central School Road.
Financial Aid Night will be Tuesday, October 25th at 7pm in the High School Commons. Parents are encouraged to attend to learn more about the different types of financial aid available to assist their student’s funding for college. A local expert will be here to explain the different types of aid available to Missouri Students
The Francis Howell Cheerleaders are hosting a Culvers’ Nightat the Culvers on Highway K! Please come out and support the cheer program! Cheerleaders will be serving from 5:00-8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 25. Hope to see you there! Thanks!
Butter Braids are Here Again – Just in time for the Holidays! TheClass of 2012 will be the ONLY class selling Butter Braids and Cookie Dough. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to order these one of kind (often hard to find) tasty desserts. Orders are welcome from any and everyone! We will be taking orders through November 7 and will be delivered before Thanksgiving! To place an order please contact the [email protected]
Sunday, October 30th from 3-5pm join Francis Howell DECA for this Family Oriented Halloween-themed event in honor of Trevor Joerling who is currently fighting Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. All Proceeds will go to the Joerling Family! See the attached flyer and registration form or visit the FHHS website under the DECA link. Hope to see everyone there for this amazing cause!
The Francis Howell High School Band Boosters would like to invite you to our 2nd Annual Arts & Craft Fair. Last year we hosted over 100 crafters and 20 home party vendors. There is something for everyone! This year we are going to surpass our numbers from last year, and we have a “Special” guest who will be joining us as well! Santa Claus has booked our show for the day during his busiest season, and he is bringing along some of his helpers so that you can have your picture taken with him, cookies and some crafts for the kids! Mark your calendars now, you won’t want to miss this day!
WHEN: Saturday, December 3, 2011
WHERE: Francis Howell Middle School
825 O’Fallon Road
Weldon Spring, MO.
All proceeds benefit the Francis Howell High School Band.
If you are a crafter and would like to join us that day, please contact Donna Reckis at 636-498-0487.
Raising Health Kids FREE Parent Event – Save the Date
The Francis Howell School District is holding Raising Healthy Kids, a free evening event for parents designed to share information on the challenges of raising healthy and responsible children and adolescents. The event will be held on Thursday, November 10, 2011 from 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. at Saeger Middle School located at 5201 Highway N in Cottleville.
The 2013 Parent Club and Blue & Gold Club of Francis Howell High School are pleased to announce their First Annual Holiday Boutique THIS Saturday, October 22, 2011 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Francis Howell High School – New “Commons” Area 7001 Hwy. 94 South, St Charles, MO 63304
This Shopping Extravaganza will feature approximately 30 vendors offering items such as:Unique, Handcrafted Belts, Headbands, Jewelry & Napkin Rings Embroidered Items Fragrances Custom Cakes, Cookies & Cupcakes Designer Replica Handbags & Accessories Hats & Scarves, Home Décor (Aly’s Interiors) Kitchen Gourmet Items Makeup Monogrammed Items Scented Candles Skin & Body Care Trendy, Casual Apparel Unique Handbags Whole Food Supplements Raffle Baskets / Attendance Prizes. Concessions for Sale / Onsite Babysitting.
2012 senior ads are due tomorrow, Oct. 21. Remember your senior by submitting an ad in the yearbook. Forms can be found by going to and clicking on the senior ad button.
All seniors need to be photographed by Prestige Portraits in order to be in the yearbook. The yearbook sitting is complimentary. No other photos will be accepted and photos taken by Lifetouch at schedule pick up cannot be used. Prestige’s scheduling number is 314.963.1414. The deadline is Nov. 5.
Students…are you eligible for the Fall GPA breakfast? Did you get your invitation? Well, you have 2 days to get your sticker for the breakfast. Lists are posted in each Communication Arts classes, Mrs. Reed’s classroom(D003), and the wall in the cafeteria You can get your sticker on Wed or Thurs before or after school as well as during your lunch at the cafeteria. Any questions, please contact Mrs. Reed in D003.
Congratulations to the following choir students who qualified to participate in the Metro 8 District Honor Choir: Michelle Adzido, Richard Currie, Cameron White, Ben Minahan, Rachelle Halbrook, Danielle Hughes, Code Power, Cailin Riley, Zach O’Connor, Kayla Hutfless, Ashley Unland, and Shelby Steingraeber. Way to Go!! Of these select students, 9 are eligible to audition for All-State Choir: Michelle Adzido, Richard Currie, Cameron White, Ben Minahan, Rachelle Halbrook, Danielle Hughes, Code Power, Cailin Riley, and Zach O’Connor. Good Luck!!!!!…we appreciate your support!
The Varsity Golden Girls are collecting items through the 28th to benefit homeless students in the Francis Howell School District. Each student who donates an item will be entered into a drawing for a $50 gas card. cash donations may be donated before the home football game on October 28th. Thank you in advance for helping.
Viking Way would like to congratulate Melanie Bruce, Geordin Thomas, Greta Peterson, Ryan Wootton, Samantha Fleschner, Michael Carter, Meghann Black, and David Clouse for being chosen as students of the month for the month of September! Way to go!
While most of you were enjoying your break, the marching band was hosting a festival and then competing at FHC. The band took first place and best drums in their division. Way to go band!
The 2011 Howelltonian yearbook and the 2010-2011 Spotlight newspaper each received Gold Medalist ratings from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association. This is the first year the Spotlight newspaper has earned the coveted Gold Medalist rating. In addition, the Howelltonian yearbook scored 986 out of 1000
Yearbook senior ads are due tomorrow. Forms are available by clicking the senior ad button at
Don’t forget to order your yearbook. The $62 price increases to $70 Dec. 31. Go to or call Balfour at 1-800-853-1337.
All of Us Club activity on October 28, 2011, Football game-meet at the entrance gate to the stadium at 6:45 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. If you have questions see Mrs. Vinarsky in B101 or Mrs. Fingers in the Library.
Attention all Speech Team members! Sign up sheets are now posted for all October and November competitions. Come to the Drama Room A129 (in the old building) to sign up. Not a member of the Speech Team? It’s never too late to join. Just drop by A129 and talk to Mr. Mueller.