“We like to listen to some of the same music and we both like to play sports, but other than that, we are about as different as it gets,” Natalie said.
The Brissos do have their fair share “twinesque moments.” Just like any parents of a set of twins, they were dressed the same when they were little. Now that they are older and can make their own decisions, dressing the same is not cool.
“We try to avoid dressing the same as much as possible. My mom used to dress us the same every day, but thankfully, we grew out of that. If we so much as accidentally wear the same color now, we go to fix it right away,” Natalie said.
Natalie does like being a twin because she always has someone to talk to. Amanda is in the same grade, same school and they even have homeroom together. It’s like having a friend at all times.
“I do like being a twin, mostly because I always have someone to talk to,” Natalie said. “Sort of like a ‘built-in best friend’.”
Being one of five children, things do get a little tight, but for the twins things are pretty much equal for the both of them. They don’t get special treatment over the other.
“We’re pretty much treated equally,” Natalie said. “We both have privileges based on what we like to do and our parents take them away if needed.”
On a friend basis, the Brisso twins do hang out in the same crowd of friends.
“We hang out with a lot of the same people and have some of the same friends, and sometimes they prefer one of us over the other. She said that I stole her best friend, but she got over it,” Natalie said.
Story by: Javoni Faucette