Francis Howell North (FHN) journalism teacher and publication adviser, Aaron Manfull has been named the 2011 Journalism Adviser of the Year by the Dow Jones News Fund (DJNF). Manfull advises the newsmagazine, the North Star,, FHN’s yearbook, Excalibur, and North’s broadcast.
The DJNF award selected Manfull, four Distinguished Advisers, and four Special Recongition Advisers. The advisers were selected by a panel who reviewed the adviser’s student publications, letters of recommendation, résumés, and answers to a series of questions.
Manfull will receive his award at the Journalism Educational Association/National Scholastic Press Association National High School Journalism Convention that will take place Nov. 17-20 in Minneapolis.
Manfull will receive a plaque and the FHN journalism program will receive a brand new laptop. One senior at FHN will receive a $1000 scholarship to pursue journalism studies in college.