A day of silence. A day to stand up for what you believe. Every year GSA organizes the Day of Silence; a day dedicated for students to show their support for gay marriage and the LGBT community.
“It is representative of those silenced by hate,” GSA Vice President Alex Schad said. “It brings people to notice that everyone has been bullied at some point.”
But this year has hit a slight snafu in the planning of this nationally recognized day.
Friday, April 15 recognizes the 15th annual Day of Silence. But it also is a special day for Viking Edge. While some students will be silent for the school day, others will be having a party.
“I don’t think it’s really a problem,” GSA President Amanda Brendel said.“I got the Viking Way celebration invite, but I’m not participating.”
“It’s overlapped in the past,” GSA sponsor Darci Hillyer said. “For GSA students wanting to be silent, it will be dificult for them to be silent at the celebration.”
The Day of Silence has brought different reactions in the past, but GSA is trying to avoid probelms before they pose a threat.
“Problems only happen if other students want to challenge students about why they’re being silent,” Hillyer said.
“This year we’re trying to make it a peaceful event and not have counter reactions,” Brendel said.
For GSA, no conflicting plans can defer the meaning of the Day of Silence.
“It is important,” Brendel said. “It makes a statement that there is anti-gay harassment in this school. It is an issue.”