Barbie, directed by Greta Gerwig, makes the newest feminist film of 2023. The movie follows the doll, Barbie (Margot Robbie), as she becomes a real person and deals with life issues. This movie is a good example of how men in history have done things they thought were right without considering the actions of others, seen when Ken (Ryan Gosling) turns Barbieland into Kendom, ruining everything the Barbies have worked for.
Released July 21, the same day as the hit movie Oppenheimer, both popular movies were thrust into the limelight as a double hit event. The movie holds a 7.1/10 on IMDb and an 88% on Rotten Tomatoes.
Greta Gerwig, known for making films with female leads, set fans with very big expectations after announcing the movie in 2016. Gerwig did not disappoint.
We watch Barbie as she is forced to fight for Barbie land after Ken (Ryan Gosling) destroys all of the work the Barbies have done for an equal society. Made to demonstrate the everlasting potential women hold, the Barbie dolls were created to fit a world of job opportunities in a wide array of races and ethnicities. Every child could look to a Barbie and see themselves, but this movie also showcases the reality of the Barbie.
Touching real world topics in a digestible way, Gloria (America Ferrera) gives a beautiful speech about the nuances of womanhood and the stress it can have specifically on young girls.
As a woman, I loved this movie, and the way it perfectly encapsulated the world of being a woman currently. While I know a few tears were shed in some other theaters, I watched this movie three times and came close but never actually cried. Perfect to watch with your mom or any woman in your life, Barbie was a beautiful movie.