” In life in general that you are going to have those obstacles. It’s okay to have those obstacles. It’s just really what you do with them. Like sometimes you It’s humbling but you have to pick yourself up and brush yourself off and and maybe make a change to move forward. But at the same time like you know things that happen in our past like those obstacles like they’re there for a reason. They’re there to make you stronger. So yeah, kind of live where you’re at right now and don’t focus on the past. Try not to focus too much on the future. Just really think about where you’re at right now,” Koenig said.
Humans of Howell: April Koenig
Math Teacher
Isabelle Smith, Journalism 1
November 15, 2023
About the Contributor

Isabelle Smith, Journalism I
Hi, my name is Isabelle. I am taking Journalism 1 this semester. I think that I am good at coming up with unique story ideas that can be used here at Howell. I like learning new things and the process that comes with it. I am super excited for this semester.