Travis Scott deletes Instagram after poorly received Batman costume
October 31, Houston based rapper Travis Scott posted a series of photos on Instagram showing off his Batman costume. The costume featured a palette of browns, as opposed to the classic black and yellow Batman is known for.

“I mean some bats are brown in real life,” junior Brandon Mfarej said.
The post went viral, with many users trolling and making jokes in regard to the suit.
“The brightest stars are only hated because they hurt our eyes,” junior Grant Litteken said.
The following morning, Travis Scott deactivated his Instagram account. Fans speculated the sudden deactivation was due to the internet response to his costume.
“It’s silly to delete your Instagram out of backlash towards hate comments about a Halloween costume,” junior Connor Reed said.
Though no response or comment has been made by Scott, many fans hope he will return to the platform before his anticipated fourth studio album.