“Who was the sculptor of The Thinker?” the moderator said.
“Auguste Rodin” senior David Yang said after buzzing in.
Scholar Bowl is in full gear sweeping Holt, 670-170; and Troy, 630-0; during their Tuesday league match, Nov. 27.
“Last year, we had a really good season,” captain Michael Spencer said. “We won the Orchard Farm Eagle Invitational Quiz Bowl Tournament, attended the High School National Championship Tournament for quiz bowl in Atlanta, and won districts.”
The Vikings also dominated the St. Charles County League, going undefeated with a record of 12-0.
“I would like to go undefeated again and hopefully qualify for nationals,” Spencer said. “I just want to ensure that the club will continue to be strong without us next year.”
The team lost varsity captain Ganon Evans after he graduated in June. Evans earned All-District and All-State Scholar Bowl teams last year.
“We had one fall tournament at Washington University and performed a lot better than we thought we would without Ganon,” Spencer said.
The team is looking to beat Washington after losing to them in sectionals, 2-1, April 24.
“Washington is who I would consider to be our rival,” Spencer said. “They are evenly matched with us and have well-rounded players.”
Scholar Bowl matches are on Tuesdays at 3:30 p.m. after school. Jan. 11 is the team’s next league match and it will be held at Orchard Farm.