I want my ticket money back!
We’ve all seen it; the movie that not only wishes we had our money back, but also our two hours of life back. What movie do you wish you would’ve never seen?
“2012. It was very scary to me, and it’s also my worst fear.”- Junior Chayse Vaughan
“Dumb and Dumber 2. It was so dumb I couldn’t even sit through the whole thing… absolutely terrible.”- Senior Lindsey Haghighi
“Food Fight. The animation was really horrible and the story was too generic and bad. It was so hard to watch I wanted to throw up just looking at it.”- Senior Aliyah Midgett
“World War Z. Basically the only thing it had in common with the book (Written by Max Brooks), was the title. I feel like Brad Pitt just wanted an excuse to run around with guns, yelling ‘look guys I’m such a hero shooting zombies!’ It’s almost as bad as Tom Cruise.”- Senior Emily Coval
writer: Nathan Schaefer